I Internet shop like I do when I am walking through the stores.
No real goal other then to spend money and get as much as I can for just a few bucks.
Bored as hell in the office on Friday I did my normal run away and pretend shop
Started off looking at swim wear...love all things vintage and found this cute lil number

Next up was the shoe aisle...I used to be a 7 but was told I wear too many flip flops so now I am in the 8 aisle....still not sure how I feel about that but my feet are pretty damn happy and comfortable
Any who these are cute sneakers...I don't have many of those in the collection...these I would love to own

Back to the norm....HEELS..these are cute! love the frill and the heel

Back to my love of Vintage and books
found these reads to add to the bookcase

Fun right!!
Erlinda Denise
I want everything in this list!